Corporate Memberships are an easy way for local businesses and organisations to get involved with our work in the community. We seek to build relationships with as many local organisations as possible.

Individual Memberships are a great way to get involved with Ponthafren.Individual Memberships also entitle to vote on the future of Ponthafren Association.

We only ask that, as part of your membership, you make a pledge. That pledge may be to become volunteer, become a trustee, make a donation or something you think you could do for Ponthafren.

When you become a Ponthafren Individual member or a corporate member, youwill be a member permanently, unless you choose to leave. However, as we know your commitments may change, you will be given the opportunity to renew your pledge on on a yearly basis.

Which type of membership would you like to apply for?

Individual Membership  Corporate Membership

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